Gifted and talented

Gifted & Talented

Roger Moltzen (ed.). Gifted and Talented: New Zealand Perspectives. (3rd edition). Pearson Education. 2012

Roger Moltzen is Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Waikato and one of New Zealand’s foremost experts on gifted and talented students. At the time  I became involved in the project, the chapters had been commissioned and written. However, having just taken over as dean, Roger had very little time for reviewing the chapters and liaising with the authors. It was my task to proof read and format the chapters and send them back to the authors to make changes. It was an interesting job because there are 16 chapters written by 12 different authors, each with his or her own voice and area of expertise. I am grateful to Roger for the opportunity to learn more, not only about the education of gifted and talented students, but also about the long and convoluted process of getting a book ready for publication.

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